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« Our Heroic Journey to Keep Earth Livable—(to be released February 6, 2017) »

February 6, 2016, is set for the release date for my next book. Currently, in the final stages of rewrites, edits, and then indexing, I’m getting excited about its release.

If you’re feeling that the ecological crises of climates, land depletion, ocean warming, population explosion, species extinctions, and greenhouse gases are bigger than our species can correct, I hope you’ll read this book. Read it too if you’re wondering, “What more can I do?”

This book takes us on the kind of heroic journey that mythologist Joseph Campbell described as going beyond the meaning of life to experiencing life. It takes us from smaller topographies of ego consciousness to the far greater topographies in which Self guides our lives. In that larger Spiritual Consciousness we are capable of doing what is beyond our reach in the consciousness where egos shape the supermalls, industrial farming, violent struggles of civilization, technological dependency, and “nature deficit disorder” (Richard Louv’s phrase). We can keep Earth livable.

The importance of strong symbols for OneEarth living, and stories with the power to take us there, get the book beyond the science of our crises to the emotional engines that make changes. Noteably, the book re-narrates the Eden story, a story which has been used overwhelmingly as a morality tale of human failure. But that’s not necessary any more. Renarrated, the story regains the edge it had originally when it’s creators told it in protest of the oversized, coercive ways the Babylonian Empire was arranging life in the Middle East of the 6th century B.C.E. This retelling puts the United States superpower, China’s rapidly emerging super-status, and the globalization driven by transnational corporations in the spotlight for protest.  

Guides on the heroic journey are essential. First Peoples who have resisted the Civilization Project of MultiEarth living for millenia are ready to be guides and co-creators of Earth-size living today. Patricia St. Onge (Haudenosaune) has co-created parts of this book by writing the “Foreword” and by consulting with me on Chapter Seven, “Guides for Earth-size Living: First Peoples.” 

Another guide is Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung whose input on archetypes and two centers of human identity, ego and Self, give us a framework for believing we can be new humans.

The book has graphics of the heroic journey to OneEarth living and guidance for moving from smaller topographies of consciousness to the largest, Spiritual Consciousness.

If you’d like to be notified when the book is released, please let me know at lee@jubilee-economics.org. I also plan to travel a bit to make presentations and be available for book signings. Let me know if you’d like to schedule one.


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